Hey y’all, I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend. One quick announcement: We are having our annual Christmas Party on Saturday December 16th @ 6:00pm. This will be a white elephant event so please come with a fun gift (price capped at $20)! If you plan on attending please sign up on the whiteboard so we know how much food we will need!
Monday 13 November
Take 20 min to build to today’s 1RM:
Push Jerk
“Blue Steel”
Complete the following for time:
200m Slam Ball Run (buy in)
Push Jerk 135/95
Pull Ups
Box Jump Overs 24/20
200m Slam Ball Run (cash out)
Today is about seeing where we are at on push jerk. We have done a lot of press and push press. The sandbag run will tax core and make the jerks in the wod more difficult. Focus on returning the bar to the starting position in order to facilitate efficient cycling. Scale the weights so you can do the first set of 10 in a row.
Tuesday 14 November
EMOM for 6 min of:
Power Cleans x 2
warm up to weight for MetCon
24 Rounds for time of:
2 Power Cleans 225/155
4 Bar-Facing Burpees
This WOD is meant to get in some heavy work over a longer time domain. You will have to pace yourself on this. Slow and steady wins the race. Its meant to be heavy, but should not be so heavy that you fail a rep. A good ball park range to scale is 70-80%.
Wednesday 15 November
Muscle Up Progressions
3 Sets of:
Back Squat x 8 @ 75%
Rest 2 min
Every 5 min for 15 min:
400m Run
12 Front Squats 155/105
4 Muscle Ups
We are going to spend time working on muscle up progressions over the next few months with the idea that it will give people a better shot at one in the open. The back squats move up in weight from last week. This will continue until we retest the total during the 2nd week of December. The purpose of today’s WOD is to get you to run hard. The goal is to try and beat your time each round.
Thursday 16 November
5 Sets of:
Tempo Overhead Squats x 2 @ 32X1 tempo
Find a challenging, but doable weight
Complete the following for time:
1000m Row (buy in)
3 Rounds of:
7 Overhead Squats 115/75
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Ring Push Ups
-immediately into-
500 Row (buy in)
2 Rounds of:
7 Overhead Squats 115/75
7 Knees to Elbows
7 Ring Push Ups
Overhead squats are a goat for a lot of people Tempo training helps develop stability and control throughout the entire ROM. The rowing in the WOD is meant to tax the aerobic system and all us to push into a longer timeframe without adding a bunch or reps. Scale the OHS in the WOD so you can do them in a row.
Friday 17 November
4 Sets of:
Dead-stop Deadlift x 5 @ 70-75%
5 Strict Weighted Pull Ups
“Orange Mocha Frappucino!”
AMRAP for 12 min of:
3/3/3/3, 6/6/6/6, 9/9/9/9, 12/12/12/12…
Cal Bike
Russian Kettlebell Swings 70/53
Jumping Lunges
We’ve been pretty consistent about deadlifts on Fridays. Although variety is a pinnacle of CrossFit, some consistency is beneficial, especially when it comes to building strength. The hardest part of the deadlift is pulling the weight off the ground with no extraneous momentum. From my experience, this builds the most strength and has the most applicable transferability into movements such as the clean. The weighted strict pull ups will build those lats! I have never seen strict movements make anyone worse. This WOD is meant to be done as fast as you can at a sustainable pace. Focus on transitions. As you get into the later sets with more reps, it will be harder to start that next movement. The way this workout is programmed is to use different primary muscle groups as you transition to the next movement. It will be tough, but stay mentally tough and just get the next movement started!