On a Running clock complete:
2 Rounds of
4 Deadlift 225/155
28 Wallballs 20/14
20 Box Jump Overs, 24/20 inches (All divisions)
14 Hand Stand Push Ups
Part 2 at 12 min
find a 1rm squat clean
This is the final wod of everyday warrior. Get through the first part as fast as you can so you get some rest before the clean. Scale the HSPU so you can do at least the first round in 2 sets
TTB skills
Back squat 3×10 70%
13 min AMRAP
13 TTB
13 American KBS 70/53 or 53/35
13 lateral box jump overs 24/20
Conserve the grip on the TTB. I would consider breaking them up in 2 sets even if you are good at them. This will allow a more consistent pace. The KBS will tax your grip more than you might think. Scale the height of the box so you can safely move laterally. We don’t work on lateral movement enough and it is paramount to improving coordination and balance.
Power cleans 3 EMOTMx7 min 60-80%
“The Chief”
3 min max reps
3 power cleans 135/95
6 Pushups HR
9 Air squats
rest 1 min
5 sets
This wod is designed to be a sprint for 3 min. The reps are low enough to promote quick transitions. The power cleans and squats should be unbroken, the pushups are the x factor. You make the money moving quickly from one to the others. The transitions add to the heart rate spike. Try and beat your score each round.
5 press+5 push press 4 sets
Run 600m
40 Jumping lunges
30 Push press 95/65
20 cal row/bike
10 strict pullups
Run 400m
20 Jumping lunges
15 Push press 95/65
10 cal Row/bike
5 strict pullups
50 ab mat situp cash out
Combining the press and push press fatigues the arms and forces hip drive. This chipper is set up so that you can maintain a fast pace the whole time. Try the best you can to get each movement in as few of sets as possible. Run hard!
TTB skills
Deadlift 5-75%+8/8 BSSx3
13 min AMRAP
13 TTB
13 American KBS 70/53 or 53/35
13 lateral box jump overs 24/20
Conserve the grip on the TTB. I would consider breaking them up in 2 sets even if you are good at them. This will allow a more consistent pace. The KBS will tax your grip more than you might think. Scale the height of the box so you can safely move laterally. We don’t work on lateral movement enough and it is paramount to improving coordination and balance.
Dbl under skills
1 cluster+2 thrusters EMOTMx6
Open wod 17.5
10 rounds for time of:
9 thrusters, 95/65 lb.
35 double-unders
This is a retest of the final open wod last year. It combines the thruster with the DU, which is an example of moving a load a large distance along with a high rep movement. This taxes the anaerobic and aerobic systems massively. All thrusters should be unbroken. The weight is meant to be light. scale it if needed. The EMOTM is merely to help with the transition from the floor. Try and beat your score from the open!