Monday October 21
“Point Break”
AMRAP 18: Teams of 2
20 DB Hang CJ (50/35)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
20 DB Box Step-Ups (24/20)
15/12 Calorie Assault Bikes
20 Toes to bar
Since we are doing the open Sat I thought I’d surprise you all with a team wod. This is a great way to keep the intensity high and volume reasonable. You should be able to split the work in half and ideally go unbroken all the way through. I’d like everyone to bike if possible. If not, ski or air runner. We are rowing tomorrow.
Tuesday October 22
Back squats
5-3-1 72-77-82
5-3-1 79-84-89%
“The Quick and the Dead”
10 min AMRAP
100/70 Cal row
Max rds
25 WB 20/14
8/6 Strict Pullups
We are adding a little from last weeks wave. If that was difficult, don’t add. Quality movement trumps weight. The wod is meant to give us some WB practice but not completely wreck the legs for the weekend. I’d like you all to row if possible. This type of wod will help prep you for the open.
Wednesday October 23
Snatch Balance
5×2 40-65% snatch-hold 2ct in hole
“Blade Runner”
400m run
8/6/4 Hang squat snatch 60-70-80%
8 Ring dips
Snatch balance are here to warmup your bottom position. We need to work hard at getting under the bar. Its a practice issue for most people. The best way to fix it is to spend time down there and get comfortable. The % are a guideline. I want them to look pretty both for the snatch balance and hang snatch.
Thursday October 24
Deadlift 2 EMOTMx8
“MC Hammer”
Deadlift 275/185
Strict HSPU
30-24-18-12-6 Abmat situps
The EMOTM is a warmup. Scale the HSPU with abmats or DB seated press. Pace yourself on the lifts. Being that the open is saturday, don’t be afraid to go lighter to save yourself if need be.
Friday October 25
Ring MU skills
“3 Ring circus”
50 DU
5 Mu
50 Du
15 DB front squats 50/35
20/15 Cal row
This is a longer wod but you won’t be doing a large amount of any one thing. This should get you moving well and loosened up for tomorrow. Scale the DB squats so you can go unbroken on round 1. This is a longer wod but you won’t be doing a large amount of any one thing. This should get you moving well and loosened up for tomorrow. Scale the DB squats so you can go unbroken on round 1.
Saturday October 26