Monday 9am only MLK Day
5 min AMRAP
50 Wall balls 20/14-buy in
12 Power cleans 155/105
12 Lateral Burpees
rest 3 min
5min AMRAP
35 wall balls 20/154-buy in
9 Power cleans 185/125
9 lateral burpees
rest 3 min
5 min AMRAP
20 Wallballs 20/14-buy in
6 Deadlifts 205/135
6 Lateral burpees
The open is coming up! One of the things that’s tested time and time again is strength with aerobic components. After all, that’s what we are really after, being able to get stronger and more conditioned. Get through the wallballs as quick as you can. Then focus on hanging on to a quick pace on the cleans. Scale the loading so you can do each round in 2-3 quick sets.
OHS find 3rm
15 Front squats 135/95
20 KBS 70/53
10 RIng Dips
We’ve done overhead squats for a few weeks, and now its time to measure where we are at. We will spend time opening up the shoulders and ankles before this. I’m Excited to see some PR’s! Scale this wod so you can go unbroken on the front squats for round 1. This wod is a sprint. Think Fran. Go get’em!
3×10 strict Press+10 strict pullups
May sub strict Press with strict HSPU
12 min
5/5 DB clean and Jerk 50/35
30 DU
20 Abmat situps or 10 GHD situps
30 DU
50 Sol carry 50/35
30 DU
Strict upper body strength is hard to come by. We have to consistently work on it. If you are currently working on HSPU then you can sub them in for pressing if you feel it aligns more with your goals. This wod should feel like a 1..5-2 mile run. We want the dumbbells to be unbroken every time. Focus on quick transitions and breathing.
25 min AMRAP
20/15 Cal row
200m run
10 TTB
3 Deadlift climb every round start at 65%
We haven’t done a wod like this with deadlift. The goal is to get as high as you can, but you can’t increase more than 5% at a time. You may go up less than 5% if you choose. You can get heavy, but you must earn it.