Hey CFC,
Great work on the open. Got some new stuff coming up with the programming. Stay tuned:)
3 sets
8 seated DB Press
15 GHD situps/Vups
1 Round:
1000m Run
150 Double-Unders
50 Hang DB Clean and Jerks (50/35)
The strength session today is all about building core stability. Gotta get those abs for summer time! Dash is just that. Attack the run at 90%, and then hammer through the other stuff. This one is all heart rate. Today is meant to be easy on the joints but hard on the heart.
3x 6 Front squats 70%
“”Top Heavy””
9 min ascending ladder
KBS 70/53
Goblet Lunges 70/53
Strict pullups
Today is a hodge podge of movements we all need to work on. The pushups are not HR, they are military style. Keep those quads engaged! The lunges complement the front squats by focusing on the glutes.
“EMOTMx8 2 Push Jerk
“Squeaky wheel”
30/25 cal /Bike/Row
Box jump overs 24/20
Push Jerk 115/75
The strength is meant to improve our capacity overhead. Work to a heavy double with good form. If your newer, simply focus on good technique. For this wod, start out at 85%, then pick it up if you feel good. The weight on the push jerk should be medium at most.
Deadlift 5 E2Mx10 min start at 60% and go up to 75%
“”Snake Charmer””
12 Dumbbell Power Snatches (50/35)
12 Burpees Over Dumbbell
200m run
The deadlift are all dead stop. We want you to use good form at all costs. This is why there is a longer rest. We are getting challenging, but not super heavy. On this wod, I want you to SEND IT. The movements should be scaled so they can be done unbroken.
“Muscle up skills!
“”Muscle beach””
18 min AMRAP
4 muscle ups
8 Hang power cleans 135/95
12 Box Step ups 1×50/35 DB
16 ball slams 40/30
20 Cal row
We are gonna hit muscle ups or bar muscle ups 1xweek for a while. After all, if they aren’t programmed, its hard to see improvement. We can scale the reps on these if needed. Even if you get 1 per round, that’s ok. If your still learning these, pace the rest of the wod so you can give it a good effort on the muscle ups. If not, see what you can get away with holding on the rower.