Kang squats
DU skills
barbell cycling skills
“Mr Clean”
Power clean and Jerk 115/75
30 DU after each round
keep the load light and work on efficient cycling. On the DU, don’t try to go fast, just try to keep moving. Try for unbroken on the lift and quick transition to the rope.
“Cobra commander”
1 min max reps
Bench press 115/75
Strict Chin ups
KBS 70/53
rest 1 min
The goal of today is to build upper body endurance. Break the bench up in even manageable sets. We will stagger accordingly. In the warmup, try jumping up on the rope and getting your feet locked quickly.
Back squats 3×8 70-75%
“Thigh Day”
1200m run
10 back squats 225/155
10 Knees to elbows
Today is a high volume squat day meant to prep us for Murph next week. Use the racks if you only if you must.
Bar muscle ups skills
20 min AMRAP
4 Bar MU
8 DB snatch 50/35
15/12 Cal Row
A lot of people have expressed interest in getting bar muscle ups. This is a great wod to test and retest in a month or so. We will go through progressions in class as well as scaling. This wod is some serious cardio! Pace accordingly. 20 min is a long time:)
“Regionals event 4”
For time:
2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 175 / 125 lb.
12 Bar facing burpees
Then, 2 rounds of:
10 snatches, 115 / 75 lb.
12 Bar Facing burpees
Scale this so you can get 2-3 snatches in a row for the 1st weight. If you are newer to the snatch, a great modification would be simply doing 4rds at a weight you can move efficiently.