Hey guys,
Over the next 2 weeks, we are going to test out several different things. On Monday, we test out our power clean, and then the following week we test the CrossFit total, followed by Championships Helen. Power cleans are a great indicator of explosive power, the CFT of brute strength, and Championship Helen is one of my favorite tests of endurance. The Total and Championship Helen consist of:
Back squat 1rm
Press 1rm
Deadlift 1rm
400m Run
21 American KBS 53/35
12 Pullups
We will retest these movements before the Christmas party in December. Once we nail down the date, we will post it. At CFC, we believe that if you improve across all aspects of fitness, ie, become a more formidible human, your blood work,( HgA1C, cholesterol, resting HR, blood pressure etc.) will improve. In simple terms, if we get stronger, improve our endurance, and increase our bodies ability to perform physical tasks, we are healthier.
If your goals are more performance based, 2 things matter, how much power you can produce, relative to what you can sustain. We aim to increase both.
Once everyone has completed these, I will develop a cycle based on the results that will help move the needle to the right in a safe and progressive manner.
I look forward to seeing everyone progress!