Nutrition Challenge “Rules”
Challenge officially starts with point tracking on Monday, May 19 and ends on Sunday, June 29 (midnight)
Meals need to follow stricter paleo guidelines along the lines of Whole 30 with the exception listed below. So, NO sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, agave, etc).
Alcohol of any type (even the purest of tequila) is not allowed and counts as -1. Multiple drinks in one sitting will only be -1 (2 glasses of wine with dinner doesn’t get you -2). Having multiple drinks on one day but not at the same time (beer with lunch and another beer with dinner) will count as -1 for each time (so -2 total for having them at different times).
Desserts are -1
All cheats are -1
There is NO MAXIMUM as to how many cheats you can accrue points for in one day. We advise not cheating though!
Protein powder is ok, we encourage using SFH or another source of grass fed protein powder.
Grass fed dairy is ok (and only grass fed dairy).
Sprouted grains that do NOT contain gluten are allowed in their pure form (no sprouted grain bread).
Zone standards are not required but we encourage you to give it a try!
You get a point extra each day that you drink 64oz of water
You get an extra point for working out each day. You cannot get more than 5 points per week (rest is important)
Benchmark WOD will be the class WOD on Monday 5/19. You may complete it in open gym on Saturday or Sunday or anytime during the first week of the challenge.
Post your weekly points on the poster board at the gym and save your sheet for the end of the competition.
There will be a winner for most points and a winner for most improvement on the benchmark.
Tie breaker will go to the person with the least number of cheats, if there is still a tie then the winner will be the person with the most points for working out.
If you have questions please talk to a coach or email us or text Kim 619-405-7429.