We’ve made it to the final week before Murph!! This week, we’ll have some heavy squats on Monday and Wednesday, and tackle the AGOQ Semifinals workout number 4 on Friday. We have a heavy day on Wednesday. Saturday will be a good sweat session to clear stuff out before Murph on Monday. Remember to sign up for a heat for Murph at the gym! Everyone is welcome, with no drop-in fee. We ask that folks consider donating to the Lt. Michael Murphy Foundation instead. You can do that here: https://murphfoundation.org/
You can have friends sign up online to avoid the rush of having to do a waiver on game day here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/appshell/shuttle/classic/ws?studioid=6815&sclassid=446&sDate=5/27/2024&sLoc=1&sTG=22&sType=1
See you at the gym!