Monday October 7
Banded warmup
L hang 20 sec
Lateral lunge
“Dead Meat”
40-30-20-10 Wallballs 20/14
2-4-6-8-10 Deadlifts 315/205
4-4-4-4-4 Bar Muscle ups
This is the toughest wod of the week. Its on Monday so you can be recovered for the open wod Saturday. Use a DL weight that is hard but not above 80% 1rm.
Tuesday October 8
Tabata hollow rocks
“Steady as she goes”
16 min AMRAP
200m run
12 Push Jerk 115/75
200m run
12 Box Jump overs 24/20
This is all about pacing. Try and be consistent. Better to start slow and build than die out.
Wednesday October 9
Back squat 3×10 add from last week
“Jumping Bean”
12 min AMRAP
30 DU
20 DB step ups 50/35
30 DU
20 KBS
30 DU
10 strict pullups
There can never be enough single leg. These will be in the open. More importantly, they correct imbalances and are easier on the back.
Thursday October 10
20 V-ups
banded inchworm
20 sec bar hang
5 min AMRAP
15 bar facing burpees
21 Power cleans
27 Cal row/bike
3 min rest
set 1 135/95
set 2 115/75
set 3 95/65
Instead of the weight going up, today it goes down. This means we want you to pick the pace up each round. I want you to pick weights you can get at least 7 in a row on round 1. The goal should be to get to the rower/bike as quickly as you can. This is great open prep.
Friday October 11
20 sec L hang
Max set of pushups should get 20/10+
Rest 2 min
“Lightning Bolt”
400m run
6/6 DB hang clean and Jerk 50/35
Today is mean to develop upper body and core strength, and be a little easier on the back and legs. L anything is hard. It will make your core stronger and when that gets better so does everything else. I want at least 15 pushups/round. Attack the runs. The reps are low enough that you should not have to put the dumbbell down.
Saturday October 12
Open WOD 20.1
Sign ups for heats will be up on Friday