We are bringing back the paleo meal swaps! It’s an awesome way to try new paleo recipes that someone else cooks for you! The only catch is you have to cook and provide a meal as well.
The meal swap will be Saturday March 29th at 11am at the gym!
Anne O. is coordinating the meal swap so please email her if you have any questions: annej12@hotmail.com.
Here are details for how the swap works:
Each person will make one recipe to split into 3 8×8 containers (so you will have to double or triple a recipe). The meal you make should be a main dish and then whoever gets your meal can make a side dish(s) of their choice. The meal should fill the container completely. They should already be cooked and frozen when you bring them to the swap. Keep 1 pan for yourself and bring the other 2 to swap.
Please include the name and recipe on the lid with a note card or piece of paper. This will be a great way to swap recipes as well!
The day of the swap we will put the slips of paper with the meal names on them in a basket. We will go around a circle and everyone will draw once. Then we will go around a second time until all the meals have been swapped.
If you happen to draw a meal that you brought then you may draw again. If you get a meal that has an ingredient that you don’t like then you may swap with someone that is willing to swap with you.
You will keep reusing the pans the you got from the previous swap for the next swap. If the pan happen to wear down in your possession then it is your responsibility to replace it.
We will try out with everyone making 1 meal at this time and if it successful we might up it to 2 meals meaning you would be bring 4 containers.
The first few times will be trial and error. Please send me any suggestions or ideas you all may have. I think this could be a lot fun and a great way to help each other out in our diet goals and share recipes.
You are not required to participate in every swap just keep your pans and you can join in an any swap. Also if you find out that this isn’t really for you, no worries we will understand and you can keep your pans 🙂
The pans are gladware pans can be found here click this link. They canb be frozen adn reheated in the microwave or oven so they are perfect for what we’re doing.