We are excited to be bringing another Friday Night Lights competition for intermediate level athletes to CrossFit Coronado on Friday, May 31st from 5-7pm. Events will kick off at 5 and the gym will be open for people to start warming up at 4. Cost is $20, cash prize for top male and female. There will be two events (one obstacle course style WOD and one regular style WOD). Please use the following guidelines when deciding if this competition is for you. If you have competed at the regional level (team or individual) or qualified for regionals as an individual you should not participate. If you’re worried about being experienced enough to compete you should be able to do the following: Fran Rx, kettle bell swings 53# men/35# women, be able to string toes to bar together, and box jumps 24″ men/20″ women. This does not mean these will be the movements for the competition, this is just a guideline. If you have specific questions about your ability level please email us.
Register Here – select the special events tab
Please note there will be no refunds. You may transfer your spot to another athlete if you are unable to compete for some reason.